And be not conformed to this
world: but be ye transformed by
the renewing of your mind, that

ye may prove what is that good,
and acceptable, and perfect, will
of God. Rom. 12:2

When the mind is renewed,
 life is upgraded. You can change your life by changing the way you think. 
Charles Blair said that, 'The quality of a person is defined by
 the purpose for which he lives and his willingness to pay the price to reach there.'
One of the ways through which you can change your thoughts is by renewing your mind through quality information. 
Always listen to quality messages and read quality books.
It is not possible to experience a reality that has not crossed your mentality. 
The meaning of that is 
"what has not crossed your mind can not cross your life or enhance your life"
 There are people whose lives are filled with junk materials 
like gossip novels, gossip

magazines and movies that add nothing to their lives.
Do not allow days to pass without learning anything that will enhance your life. 
When the mind is renewed, life is upgraded. It is an 'old' mind that is the reason for an 'old', unchanged life. 

If you want your life to be changing progressively in 
your spiritual journey and in everything you do, continuously renew your mind.
Quality meditation or quality thinking also enhances a person's life. Settle down to meditate and find out what you need to do to leave where you are now in order to get to where God wants you to be. If you want to be successful and prosperous, you must

learn how to meditate (Josh 1:8).

Thought quality can be enhanced by quality

association. Proverbs 13:20 says 'He that walketh with the wise shall be wise; but the companion of the fools shall be destroyed'.

The quality of your association
 affects your destination in life. When you walk with the wise, 
you cannot be a fool. When you walk with intelligent people,
 you cannot be a 

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