This book of the law shall not depart out of thy mouth; but thou shalt meditate therein day and night, that thou mayest observe to do according
to all that is written therein: for then thou shalt make thy way prosperous, and then thou shalt have good success. Joshua 1:8.
Pastor Paul Eneche said, "An old mind is the reason for an old unchanged life".
How do you enhance the quality of your thought to maximise your destiny?

You embark on quality meditation or quality thinking by asking yourself the following questions: ‘Why am I here? What am I meant to do with my life? What does the Bible say about my life? What does God say about my future? What do I need to do to leave where I am now to where God wants me to be? What am I doing that is not adding anything to my life? What should I begin to do that can move me forward? My next birthday is coming; what do I want God to do for me before that
time? What am I going to do to get there?’ It was Charles Blair who said that ‘The quality of a
person is defined by the purpose for which he lives and his willingness to pay the price to reach there.’ You can know a person’s value by his understanding of the reason why he is alive and his willingness/lack of willingness to pay any price to get there. Settle for quality meditation and thinking.

There are people whose lives are filled with junk materials, gossip novels, gossip magazines and movies that add nothing to their lives. The quality of information that you have access to affects the quality of your decision. Meaning the quality of your decision can never be better that the level of your information in life. You cannot allow days to be passing without learning anything new.
When the mind is renewed, life is upgraded. The Bible says, ‘ And be not conformed to this world: but be ye transformed by the renewing of your mind, that ye may prove what is that good, and acceptable, and perfect, will of God’ (Rom 12:2). That is to further say to you that "until your mind your the information that comes into your mind, you can never Co tell the direction of your life". You mind has so much power in controlling your life. It is the quality of information that flows into your life that Powers the level of impact that flows from your life.
A transformer is a stabilizer of current; it can
upgrade low current and make it stable to bring full current. The mind is like a transformer. Life is upgraded when the mind is renewed. An old mind is the reason for an old unchanged life. If you want your life to be changing progressively, spiritually, physically and otherwise, you need to continuously renew your mind through the Word of God.
Renew your mind daily by a daily intake of the Word of God. Meditate on the Word as you go about the day’s. Beloveth remember this "THAT UNTIL YOU CHANGE THE INFORMATION IN YOUR MIND, YOU WILL NEVER GET TO THE DESTINATION IF YOUR LIFE".
The Difference Between Two Countries Result Is not In Their Complexion But In Their Information.
I want you to pray this prayer with me... Oh Lord, open my eyes to see wondrous things out of Your Word so that my mind can be renewed, in Jesus’ Name.

The Transformers Family Loves You.
We Celebrate You.
You are Created to EXCEL and not just to EXIST.

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