Wherefore lay apart all filthiness and superfluity of naughtiness, and receive with meekness the engrafted word, which is able to save your souls. James 1:2
Whatever defiles your conscience will affect your profit from the Word of God. The Word of God is designed to increase your overall worth and value (1 Timothy 4:13-15). The Word of God is designed not just to increase our knowledge in life but to change our lives on earth. (Psalms 119:10-11). The word of God is the revealer of God's Plans, Purpose and Desire for man.
It has the assignment of raising the dignity and quality of people. God’s purpose is to bring you to a point where people who knew you before now can notice that there is progress in your life. The Word of God is calculated for the profit of man but it is not everybody carrying the Word of God (Bible) that is profiting from it. What makes a man to profit from the Word of God?
1. To profit from the Word of God, you must lay aside filthiness (James 1:21). The departments of filthiness include:
a. Things that defile your conscience. These are the things you see or hear that make your heart to be unclean. The horror films you watch damage your ‘spiritometer’ (spiritual sensitivity). They suffocate the potency of the Word of God in your life. Whatever defiles your conscience will affect your profit from the Word of God.
b. The filthiness of bitterness or wrath (Hebrews 12:15). Anytime the devil succeeds in making your heart to be bitter and vengeful, he has succeeded in hardening you to the Word of God. A man that cannot forgive cannot be fruitful. The Word of God cannot germinate in a life that is unclean. When a container is full of chaff, it is not possible for it to accommodate seeds (Word of God). The Word of God is pregnant with the Power of God. If only you can take this Word and be ready to receive it with open hands and heart, then you will walk in this world as a profitable citizen of His Kingdom.
Believe it is important to know that your portion from His Word is only collectable by your passion for His Word. You can never get much insight from His from above your interest for His Word. The Word of God is the Manual for the operation of your life. Every manufacturer knows he needs to provide a manual for each product produce in order to assist the end user in their operation and usage. The Word of God brings you to the knowledge of God's design and instruction on your way to your destination.
From today Make up your mind to reject anything unclean that defiles your conscience. Spend quality time with the Word of God. And pray this with me: Lord, I receive the grace to keep my conscience clean. I welcome Your Word into my heart, Lord ,in Jesus’ Name
Pastor Paul Eneche : Revelation is the secret of elevation. Illumination facilitates distinction.

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